Humira यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


abbvie deutschland gmbh co. kg - adalimumab - spondylitis, ankylosing; arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid; uveitis; colitis, ulcerative; psoriasis; arthritis, psoriatic; crohn disease; arthritis, rheumatoid - immunosoppressanti - jekk jogħġbok irreferi għad-dokument ta 'informazzjoni dwar il-prodott.

Opdivo यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bristol-myers squibb pharma eeig - nivolumab - melanoma; hodgkin disease; carcinoma, renal cell; carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; carcinoma, transitional cell; squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck; urologic neoplasms; mesothelioma; colorectal neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - melanomaopdivo as monotherapy or in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the treatment of advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older. relative to nivolumab monotherapy, an increase in progression free survival (pfs) and overall survival (os) for the combination of nivolumab with ipilimumab is established only in patients with low tumour pd-l1 expression. adjuvant treatment of melanomaopdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older with melanoma with involvement of lymph nodes or metastatic disease who have undergone complete resection. non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab and 2 cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer in adults whose tumours have no sensitising egfr mutation or alk translocation. opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer after prior chemotherapy in adults. neoadjuvant treatment of nsclcopdivo in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the neoadjuvant treatment of resectable non-small cell lung cancer at high risk of recurrence in adult patients whose tumours have pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. malignant pleural mesothelioma (mpm)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. neoadjuvant treatment of nsclcopdivo in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the neoadjuvant treatment of resectable non-small cell lung cancer at high risk of recurrence in adult patients whose tumours have pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. renal cell carcinoma (rcc)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma after prior therapy in adults. opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with intermediate/poor risk advanced renal cell carcinoma. opdivo in combination with cabozantinib is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. classical hodgkin lymphoma (chl)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory classical hodgkin lymphoma after autologous stem cell transplant (asct) and treatment with brentuximab vedotin. squamous cell cancer of the head and neck (scchn)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of recurrent or metastatic squamous cell cancer of the head and neck in adults progressing on or after platinum based therapy. urothelial carcinomaopdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced unresectable or metastatic urothelial carcinoma in adults after failure of prior platinum containing therapy. adjuvant treatment of urothelial carcinomaopdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adults with muscle invasive urothelial carcinoma (miuc) with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%, who are at high risk of recurrence after undergoing radical resection of miuc. mismatch repair deficient (dmmr) or microsatellite instability-high (msi-h) colorectal cancer (crc)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with mismatch repair deficient or microsatellite instability-high metastatic colorectal cancer after prior fluoropyrimidine based combination chemotherapy. oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (oscc)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. opdivo in combination with fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based combination chemotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma after prior fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based combination chemotherapy. adjuvant treatment of oesophageal or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer (oc or gejc)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adult patients with oesophageal or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer who have residual pathologic disease following prior neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. gastric, gastro‑oesophageal junction (gej) or oesophageal adenocarcinomaopdivo in combination with fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based combination chemotherapy is indicated for the first‑line treatment of adult patients with her2‑negative advanced or metastatic gastric, gastro‑oesophageal junction or oesophageal adenocarcinoma whose tumours express pd-l1 with a combined positive score (cps) ≥ 5.

Thorinane यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pharmathen s.a. - enoxaparin sodium - tromboemboliżmu tal-vini - aġenti antitrombotiċi - thorinane huwa indikat għall-adulti għall -: - profilassi ta ' tromboemboliżmu fil-vini, partikolarment f'pazjenti li jgħaddu minn kirurġija ortopedika, ġenerali jew onkoloġika-kirurġija. - profilassi ta 'tromboemboliżmu venuż f'pazjenti bedridden minħabba mard akut inkluż akuta insuffiċjenza tal-qalb, waqfien akut tan-nifs, infezzjonijiet gravi, kif ukoll l-aggravament tal-mard rewmatiku li jikkawżaw l-immobbilizzazzjoni tal-pazjent (japplika għall-qawwiet ta' 40 mg/0. 4 ml). - it-trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt), kkumplikati jew mhux ikkomplikati minn emboliżmu pulmonari. trattament ta 'anġina mhux stabbli u n-non-q-wave' infart mijokardijaku, flimkien ma ' acetylsalicylic acid (asa). - it-trattament ta 'elevazzjoni tas-segment st' infart mijokardijaku (stemi) inklużi pazjenti li ser jiġu ttrattati b'mod konservattiv jew li wara jgħaddu minn koronarju perkutanju l-anġoplastika (japplika għall-qawwiet ta ' 60 mg/0. 6 ml, 80 mg/0. 8 ml, u 100 mg/1 ml). - tagħqid tad-demm għall-prevenzjoni fil-ċ-ċirkolazzjoni ekstrakorporali matul l-emodijalisi. il-prevenzjoni u l-kura ta ' diversi mard relatati mal-emboli tad-demm fl-adulti.

Busulfan Fresenius Kabi यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

busulfan fresenius kabi

fresenius kabi deutschland gmbh - busulfan - trapjant ta 'ċelloli staminali ematopojetiċi - alkyl sulfonates - busulfan fresenius kabi warajh cyclophosphamide (bucy2) huwa indikat bħala kondizzjonament trattament qabel haematopoietic konvenzjonali trapjant ta ' proġenitur taċ-ċelloli (hpct) fil-pazjenti adulti meta l-għaqda hija kkunsidrata l-aħjar għażla disponibbli. busulfan fresenius kabi-ċiklofosfamid (regimen bucy4) jew melfalan (bumel) hu indikat bħala trattament kondizzjonarju konvenzjonali taċ-ċelluli ematopojetiċi tat-trapjant fil-pazjenti pedjatriċi.

Nespo यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


dompé biotec s.p.a. - darbepoetin alfa - kidney failure, chronic; anemia; cancer - preparazzjonijiet antianemiċi - kura ta 'anemija sintomatika assoċjata ma' insuffiċjenza renali kronika (crf) f'adulti u pazjenti pedjatriċi. kura ta ' anemija sintomatika f'pazjenti adulti bil-kanċer tumuri malinni mhux majelojdi li qed jirċievu l-kimoterapija.

Yervoy यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bristol-myers squibb pharma eeig - ipilimumab - melanoma; carcinoma, renal cell; carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; mesothelioma, malignant; colorectal neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - melanomayervoy as monotherapy or combination with nivolumab is indicated for the treatment of advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older (see section 4.  yervoy in combination with nivolumab is indicated for the treatment of advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma in adults. relative to nivolumab monotherapy, an increase in progression-free survival (pfs) and overall survival (os) for the combination of nivolumab with ipilimumab is established only in patients with low tumour pd-l1 expression (see sections 4. 4 u 5. renal cell carcinoma (rcc)yervoy in combination with nivolumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with intermediate/poor-risk advanced renal cell carcinoma (see section 5. non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc)yervoy in combination with nivolumab and 2 cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer in adults whose tumours have no sensitising egfr mutation or alk translocation. malignant pleural mesothelioma (mpm)yervoy in combination with nivolumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. mismatch repair deficient (dmmr) or microsatellite instability-high (msi-h) colorectal cancer (crc)yervoy in combination with nivolumab is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with mismatch repair deficient or microsatellite instability-high metastatic colorectal cancer after prior fluoropyrimidine based combination chemotherapy (see section 5. oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (oscc)yervoy in combination with nivolumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%.

Orgalutran यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


n.v. organon - ganirelix - reproductive techniques, assisted; ovulation induction; infertility, female - ormoni u analogi pitwitarji u ipotalamiċi - il-prevenzjoni ta 'żidiet prematuri ta' l-ormon ta 'luteinizzazzjoni f'nisa li għaddejjin minn stimulazzjoni eċċessiva kkontrollata ta' l-ovarji għal tekniki ta 'riproduzzjoni assistita. fi studji kliniċi, orgalutran ntuża ma uman rikombinanti-follikulu l-ormoni li jistimulaw jew corifollitropin alfa, il-sostnut follikulu stimulant.

Quixidar यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


glaxo group ltd. - fondaparinux sodium - venous thrombosis; pulmonary embolism; myocardial infarction; angina, unstable - aġenti antitrombotiċi - 5 mg / 0. 3 ml u 2. 5 mg / 0. 5 ml, soluzzjoni għall-injezzjoni:, il-prevenzjoni ta ' każi trombo-emboliċi venużi (vte) f'pazjenti għaddejjin minn kirurġija ortopedika maġġuri tar-riġlejn bħal fratturi fil-ġenb, kirurġija maġġuri fl-irkoppa jew tal-ġenbejn operazzjoni tas-sostituzzjoni. , il-prevenzjoni ta 'każi trombo-emboliċi venużi (vte) f'pazjenti għaddejjin minn kirurġija addominali li huma meqjusa f'riskju għoli ta 'kumplikazzjonijiet ta' trombo-emboliżmu, bħal pazjenti li jgħaddu minn kirurġija għall-kanċer (ara sezzjoni 5. , il-prevenzjoni ta 'każi trombo-emboliċi venużi (vte) f' pazjenti mediċi li huma meqjusa f'riskju għoli ta 'vte u li huma immobili minħabba mard akut bħal insuffiċienza kardijaka u/jew mard respiratorju akut, u/jew mard akut infettiv jew ta' infjammazzjoni. , , 2. 5 mg / 0. 5 ml, soluzzjoni għall-injezzjoni:, it-trattament ta 'anġina mhux stabbli jew mhux tas-segment st' infart mijokardijaku b'elevazzjoni (ua/nstemi) fil-pazjenti li għalihom urġenti (< 120 minuta) invasif (pci) mhuwiex indikat (ara sezzjonijiet 4. 4 u 5. , it-trattament tal-elevazzjoni tas-segment st 'infart mijokardijaku (stemi) f'pazjenti li huma ttrattati b'trombolitiċi jew li fil-bidu qegħdin jirċievu l-ebda forma oħra ta' riperfużjoni-terapija. , , 5 mg/0. 4 ml, 7. 5 mg / 0. 6 ml u 10 mg / 0. 8 ml soluzzjoni għall-injezzjoni:, it-trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u t-trattament ta ' emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), ħlief fil-ħruġ emodinamikament instabbli, jew pazjenti li għandhom bżonn tromboliżi jew embolektomija.

Paxlovid यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - nirmatrelvir, ritonavir - covid-19 virus infection - paxlovid is indicated for the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) in adults who do not require supplemental oxygen and who are at increased risk for progressing to severe covid 19.

Genvoya यूरोपीय संघ - माल्टीज़ - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


gilead sciences ireland uc - elvitegravir, kobikistat, emtricitabine, tenofovir alafenamide - infezzjonijiet ta 'hiv - antivirali għal użu sistemiku - genvoya huwa indikat għall-kura ta ' l-adulti u l-adolexxenti (korp età 12-il sena u aktar antiki mal-piż mill-anqas 35 kg) infettati bil-virus ta ' immunodefiċjenza umani 1 (hiv 1) mingħajr ebda mutazzjonijiet magħrufa assoċjati mal-reżistenza għall-klassi ta ' inibitur ta ' integrase, emtricitabine jew tenofovir.